The multi-million bestselling author


How do I know if I can enter the Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction?

Please look at the Eligibility Criteria and Conditions of Entry pages.

You say that entrants must be from, resident in or whose work celebrates the North East. What counts as the North East?

For the purposes of this Prize, the following areas fall within the North East catchment:

  • Darlington
  • Durham and County Durham
  • Gateshead
  • Hartlepool
  • Middlesbrough
  • Newcastle upon Tyne
  • North Tyneside
  • Northumberland
  • Redcar and Cleveland
  • South Tyneside
  • Stockton-on-Tees
  • Sunderland

Can I apply for the Prize if I have already been shortlisted in a previous year?

You may reapply for the Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction if you have been shortlisted in previous years, but not if you have been a previous winner.

How old do I need to be, to enter the Prize?

You must be aged eighteen at the time of entry.

Is the Prize open to writers who have previously published their work?

Yes, the Prize is now open to writers who have previously been published, so long as the work they are submitting has not been published in any form.

I've never written anything before, and haven't done a degree in Creative Writing. Is this Prize for me?

The Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction is an accessible award, and its judges love to receive entries from writers and storytellers of all backgrounds. Therefore, not having written crime or thriller fiction before, or not having studied creative writing, is no barrier to entry.

My submission has appeared in a blog, but not in a full-length novel. Does that count as 'unpublished'?

‘Unpublished’ means that the work in question has never appeared in magazines, websites (including blogs), novels, short-stories or anthologies and that it hasn’t appeared in other formats such as screenplays. Therefore, submissions that have already been published online as a blog article have been published and are not eligible for entry.

Can I enter work from a self-published book, or e-book?

Self-published print or e-books are published works, and therefore fall outside the eligibility criteria.

Can I enter if I already have a book deal or intend to self-publish the work I am submitting?

The Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction is intended to support works in progress, not to promote works that are already completed and for which a publishing deal has been secured / which will soon be self-published. A ‘book deal’ is defined as a contract with a publisher whereby you are paid an advance for your writing and a royalty for any book sales that follow.

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a summary of the story you intend to write, which accompanies the first two chapters of a work in progress for the purposes of submission (unless you intend to write a short story of no more than 10,000 words, in which case no synopsis is required). It should give the judges a clear understanding of where you intend to take your story, including character development and story arc. As a guide, it should be no more than two A4 sides, and is not a blurb or a pitch; it should give the main plot of the ongoing story and describe the ending.

Should I put my name on my submission?

No, please don’t put your name on the document you attach in the entry portal (e.g. on a header or footer), as all entries are judged anonymously in the initial stages of the process. Your name will be captured and associated with your submission electronically when you register, and stored safely in our system, so there is no need to include it elsewhere.

How should I format the manuscript I intend to submit?

Please format your work in double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman text.

How can I be sure my intellectual property is protected when making a submission?

By submitting your work, you are agreeing to it being read and considered by awards sifters, judges and staff of Dark Skies Publishing. The copyright of your submitted work stays with you at all times and we will not exert or ask for any rights over your work at any time.

What about Data Privacy?

Your submission will be deleted once the judging process is complete. You will only receive future correspondence from Dark Skies Publishing you have specifically signed up for, and you can unsubscribe at any time. We will never share your data or personal information with any other businesses or organisations and we abide by all relevant data protection legislation.

What about Equality?

Dark Skies Publishing, LJ Ross and all associates of the Lindisfarne Prize for Crime Fiction believe that all individuals should be treated fairly and on the basis of merit and without prejudice. Applications to the Prize are considered anonymously, without reference to age, cultural background, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, faith or an individual’s health status.

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